Landing Page « Acme Themes Blog WordPress Themes and Plugins, WordPress Tips and Tricks, News and Events Thu, 02 Sep 2021 03:33:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Landing Page « Acme Themes Blog 32 32 109068206 10 Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress Platform Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:01:40 +0000 Here, we talk about 10 Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress. As we all know, WordPress is a popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world. According to the latest survey, WordPress powers 35% of all websites in the world. This number is huge for a single platform. Millions of people use WordPress to build a website including some big companies like CNN, TechCrunch, SONY, New York Times, TED, etc. There might be a question in your mind that, why people are using WordPress instead of other Content Management System (CMS). To make things clear, we are discussing 10 reasons why you should build your site using WordPress. But before that let’s know more about WordPress and it’s history. […]

The post 10 Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress Platform appeared first on Acme Themes Blog.

Here, we talk about 10 Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress.

As we all know, WordPress is a popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world. According to the latest survey, WordPress powers 35% of all websites in the world. This number is huge for a single platform. Millions of people use WordPress to build a website including some big companies like CNN, TechCrunch, SONY, New York Times, TED, etc.

There might be a question in your mind that, why people are using WordPress instead of other Content Management System (CMS). To make things clear, we are discussing 10 reasons why you should build your site using WordPress. But before that let’s know more about WordPress and it’s history.

WordPress and Its History

WordPress was primarily started as a blogging platform by Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg in 2003.  In later years it was followed by updated versions that included theme systems, persistent caching, and better widgets. Prior to that, in 2001, B2-Cafelog was launched by French programmer Michel Valdrighi as a blogging platform using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL (an open-source relational database management system).

By 2016, WordPress 4.5 (Coleman) had added inline links, new formatting shortcuts, and responsive previews in the Customizer functions.

Since then, different versions of the update have been made and now you can build any type of website in WordPress Platform. Today, WordPress is not just a blogging platform but a system that you can use to create a wide range of websites.

ReadHow to Create a WordPress Website in 5 Easy Steps in 2020

WordPress Statistics

  • As of 2019, WordPress powers 35% of the Internet.
  • WordPress blogs are written in over 120 languages, including Spanish and Dutch
  • WordPress users include CNN, TED, UPS, CBS Radio, TIMES, Tech Crunch, etc
  • Over 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages each month.
  • Users produce about 70 million new posts and 77 million new comments each month.

Being said that, WordPress is truly a great platform that allows us to customize and build a website that we want. Here are the 10 Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress Platform.

reasons to build website on WordPress

1. It is Free

wordpress is free

WordPress is, by far, the most popular open source Content Management System (CMS). The beautiful part of WordPress is it’s free to use.

WordPress is free software available for anyone who can download and build the site instantly. But in order to rank better in the search engines, there are essential WordPress setting for a brand new website. 

Because it is free, anyone can use it anytime to build the site.  It’s “Free to use” feature makes WordPress popular and top reason to build a website on WordPress.

2. WordPress is Flexible

wordpres is flexible to use

WordPress is developed by expert developers from around the world by following a solid coding structure. WordPress meets the demands of its users with a flexible framework. Users from any expertise and background can modify the structure of the website with a few drag and drop and simple clicks.

Although WordPress was originally designed to support blogging and related types of online publishing, it also powers a wide range of sites with other purposes. Now, WordPress has become a powerful tool to build a wide range of websites from eCommerce stores, to business websites and corporate websites. WordPress is used to run complex sites for large multinational corporations, manage small businesses, and create personal blogs.

Thanks to its many themes and easy access to its source files, WordPress is also endlessly adaptable to a company’s changing needs. So, being said that, its flexibility is another important reason to use WordPress.

3. Plugin Rich – Extend Functionality

wordpress is plugin rich

One of the biggest advantages of using WordPress is its wide variety of plugins. You can use a plugin to extend the functionalities of the website. They allow you to add great features to your site without having to know how to write any code. Best of all, plugins are incredibly easy to install.

On top of that most of the great plugins are available for free to download. You just need to simply search the name of the plugin and install it. Plugins like Gutentor provides high flexibility and easy to customize feature to your website.

But, while using plugins, you have to remember that not all plugins are great to use, so, you need to carefully choose which plugin to use.

Read the guide about10+ Essential WordPress Plugin for New Website

4. Theme Rich – Offer Wide Varieties of Design

wordpress is theme rich

There are thousands of beautiful WordPress themes and templates from different developers. So, you can switch your website’s look by simply installing and customizing the theme.

For non-tech people, WordPress is the perfect solution as there are thousands of free website themes that you can choose from. There are hundreds of themes and templates developers who offer an amazing theme for a wide range of varieties from business, personal branding, eCommerce, Medical, Beauty, Restaurant, and magazines.

Themes can be previewed and install instantly and customize it as per the requirement.

5. Expert Community

wordpress expert community

There are thousands of WordPress expert communities to help you when you are stuck. So, this is another great benefit of using the WordPress platform to build the website.

According to the stat, WordPress blogs are written in over 120 languages, including Spanish and Dutch.

Because WordPress is free and open-source, it’s supported by WordPress-loving communities around the world. They are responsible for making changes to the source files and keeping WordPress updated and secure. The WordPress community also engages in plenty of outreach to users, hosting WordPress camps around the world and supporting the growth of local WordPress user groups.

6. Easy to Backup

wordpress is easy to backup

Easy backup of the website is another great benefit of using the WordPress platform.

You can easily backup your site by using the back option provided by WordPress itself. Easy backup can also be accomplished by using different plugins. You can directly connect with Google dives, DropBox and others could storage platforms.

Some plugins let you automatically backup your website to the cloud on a schedule of your choosing, as well as easily restore a backup with just a few clicks.

7. Built-in Blog Option

blog option

Since WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS), it has multiple features that make publishing content easy. One of these is a “built-in” blog feature that can be accessed from any device, at any time, so that users who want to add a blog to their website don’t have to create one separately.

This feature allows users to have built-in blog features even though the website is not related to blogging or content publishing website. This feature is mostly used in update and announcement of the products and services of the company. A blog is also one of the major sources of traffic for the website. That is why many large companies use WordPress for their blog section.

Read About – 6 Different Types of Website Traffic 

8. WordPress is Secure

wordpress is secure

Another important benefit of using a WordPress platform is, it is developed with security in mind, and it is considered to be a very safe and secure platform to run a website. However, internet attacks can not be avoided. Statistics show that plenty of WordPress sites are getting hacked each year. The possibility of multiple attacks can be Brute Force Attack, SQL injection, DDoS Attack.

But, since WordPress is made up of the three components (The Core, Plugins, and Themes), there are several teams of people in charge of keeping it safe. On top of that, you as a website owner can also be responsible to keep it secure by implementing basic WordPress security such as installing SSL, Making Admin Password Strong, Changin the Admin Root, etc.

9. SEO Friendly Structure

wordpress is SEO friendly

One of the Best Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress Platform is WordPress is SEO friendly.

WordPress is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. Moreover, there are lots of SEO plugins that can help you to follow a better SEO structure. WordPress structure itself is SEO friendly as it allows you to follow the basic SEO guidelines like permalink, alt naming of the image, sitemap and so on.

WordPress sites tend to rank higher in the SERPs because they’re constantly being updated. In simple words, Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo just love WordPress.

Read about – Yoast SEO plugin vs All in One SEO Pack Plugins 

10. Responsive Design

wordpress is responsive

When you are building your website on WordPress, you should not need to worry about the responsiveness of your site. When you build your website in custom PHP or using other web design technology, you should take care of CSS so as to make it responsive in all devices.

Since responsiveness is an important factor in Google ranking, your website should look good in any device. Having said that, WordPress offers a variety of responsive theme designs. This is another important benefit of using WordPress to build the site.

Well, these are the 10 Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress Platform. So, what are you waiting for? Head over and build your website using WordPress.

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11 Best Tips to Design Attractive Landing Page in WordPress Fri, 01 Nov 2019 07:53:45 +0000 Are you thinking of how to design an attractive landing page? or you already fed up with your badly designed landing page? I this article, we are discussing 11 of the best landing page design practice you should follow. What is a Landing Page? According to the Wikipedia – A landing page, sometimes known as a “lead capture page”, “static page”, or a “destination page”, is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result, marketing promotion, marketing email, or an online advertisement. A landing page is designed specifically to promote specific products or services as a marketing campaign. This is the page where visitors land whenever they click in the promoted links […]

The post 11 Best Tips to Design Attractive Landing Page in WordPress appeared first on Acme Themes Blog.

Are you thinking of how to design an attractive landing page? or you already fed up with your badly designed landing page? I this article, we are discussing 11 of the best landing page design practice you should follow.

What is a Landing Page?

According to the Wikipedia – A landing page, sometimes known as a “lead capture page”, “static page”, or a “destination page”, is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result, marketing promotion, marketing email, or an online advertisement.

A landing page is designed specifically to promote specific products or services as a marketing campaign. This is the page where visitors land whenever they click in the promoted links either in the Google Adwords ( or any social media promotions.

The ultimate goal of a landing page is to capture the information of the potential customers and drive them to product selling pages through different Call to Action (CTA) buttons.

So, to make a high conversion rate, it is important to focus on designing a highly convertible landing page. In this article, we are going to discuss some basic but important things to follow while designing a landing page.

Landing Page vs Home Page

Before everything, let’s be clear about landing pages and home pages.

A homepage is quite a common term in website design and development, but the landing page is familiar when it comes to digital marketing only. So, it is important to know how a landing page is different then homepage or other websites.

A homepage has lots of info, lots of sources and lots of links. The purpose of a company site is to provide plenty of information and resources to potential customers. Whereas a landing page contains fewer links, information, and sources. Its purpose is to convert like generating leads, prompting phone calls, increasing sign-ups or initiating an online chat with potential customers. In other words, a landing page is a simplified and more concise version of a homepage with a specific call-to-action.

Although a landing page is similar to the homepage of the websites, there are key elements that make them different.

Difference Landing Page Home Page
Audience/Purpose Targeted Customers to make them buy a product or collect their information. It can be anyone who comes from Search Engines or any other channel and give them information.

Links take visitors to the product/services page for the purpose of conversion. Normally landing content fewer links.

The homepage contains many links that take visitors to other relevant pages.
Content Content is specific to the offer, product, or service that you are trying to promote. Content describes overall business services, products, and required information.
Call to Action CTA on the landing page encourages viewers to convert. CTA is not focused on conversion.

Tips to Design Attractive Landing Page

As we have discussed above the purpose, audience, and goal of a landing page. Now,  here are 11 tips for designing an attractive landing page for your website, product, and services so that you increase the conversion. Let’s discuss one by one –

1. The Content

The beauty of any landing page is defined by what content you chose to put on the landing page. You have to brainstorm before picking up words to display on the landing page as it must win the thought or the potential customers.

The content on the landing page should be to the point. Unnecessary and excessive information overwhelm visitors and make them leave immediately. And also incomplete information might not give enough value to the proposition to the users.

So, focus on making the content simple and informative by following these tips.

landing page


  • Catchy Heading – Heading is an important part of any content so try including catchy heading
  • Supportive Subheading – your subheading must support the heading to make more worthy.
  • Focus on Solving the Problem – you have to be focused on solving the current problem that targeted customers currently facing.

2. Relevant Image

Images in any content add extra information. Content with images is visually appealing as well. So, try adding relevant images on the landing page to make them rich. Provide high-quality shots showing the best sides of your product or service. 

relavent image


  • Chose only relevant images to place
  • Optimize the image with the proper resolution, size, and file format

3. Video Integration

Embedding the video helps in the in-depth view of the product and services you are going to offer. A video can explain a thousand words. Video content is optional, but video can details of your product or service in ways that text and images can’t.

A 30 seconds video can explain a thousand words also help engaging audiences within the page.

video popup


  • Embed short and relevant video – which might explain about product or services or customer testimonial.
  • The video should be as short as possible with excellent explanation, animation, and audio.

4. Proper Placement of Call-to-Action

A landing page without proper placement of Call to Action is useless. Landing pages should have some type of Call-to-Action (CTA) that encourages your viewers to convert.

A CTA can be anything from filling out a form to calling a phone number or even plain buying your product. But, regardless of what your CTA is, it needs to be obvious and straightforward. For example, “Register Now”, “Call Us ” or “Download Sample” are great examples of CTAs. 



  • Include terms like x% OFF, Free, Limited Offer in CTA button.
  • Place the CTA button in an easily clickable position.

5. Apply KISS Principle

The landing page should not be messy or complicated in design. The more you keep it simple, the easier it will be interacting with. This KISS principle can be achieved by formatting the content in a proper way such as heading, subheadings, images, call to Action, Forms, and other relevant information.

There is a great page building block plugin named Gutentor that helps you to design a page that you want to build. Gutentor comes with lots of ready-made blocks that you can customize as per your preference. So, use such plugins to make page simple and easy to navigate.

kiss principle


  • The formatting solution would be to convert texts into shorter bullet points.
  • Choose a big font to make it easy for visitors to read and understand what your landing page is all about.

6. Use of Proper Color

Some landing pages are designed with a really bad combination of colors. Improper selection of colors ruins the beauty of the landing page.

Colour Principle

So, another important tip for designing a landing page is choosing suitable colors. This way, visitors do not get distracted with the colors of the landing page elements.


  • Try using the brand color 
  • Color should be chosen according to the brand you offer, the audience you target

7. Track the Page

Designing a landing page and launching it only does not do work. You should test if it works for you. To check whether your landing page can drive conversions, you need to perform A/B testing to collect valuable analytics on how users interact with the landing page. You can use the Free Google Analytics tool to check the conversion statistics. Because the end goal of the landing page is a conversion! 

ab testing

You can perform A/B testing on headings, CTSs, Links, Trust signals, and Images.

8. Simple Funnel

Do not make customers confuse with multiple forms, funnel pages. Multiple popups and funnel pages make distract your potential customers from giving you information or buying products unless they are loyal towards your products or services. 

sales funnel

Make it simple to interact so that customers do not quit in the middle of the interaction.

9. Responsive Design

In today’s world, responsive design is a compulsory thing as technology has shifted to mobile-first. A poorly designed and non-responsive design is easily punished by big search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Although all the websites today are responsive in nature, it is crucial to make sure, each and every element of the website is properly fit in all device screens.

responsive design


  • Test everything before publishing the page

10. Showcase Testimonial and Reviews

Showing testimonials and reviews is not compulsory to include in the landing pages, but, adding these two things will increase the trust and value of the landing page.


So, if your products and services are already used by the individuals or companies, then try collecting the reviews and testimonials from them and show some of them on the landing page. This adds third-party credibility to your content and offers and can help boost conversions.

This way, a potential customer will have more trust and belief towards you. 


  • Avoid messing up with lots of testimonials and rating instead, show only a few proofs

11. Make it Shareable

A landing page is the most effective way to convert visitors into the customer or at least subscribers. So, social sharing is a key thing to consider while designing a landing page. Make your landing page easy to share that way, it works as free marketing.  

social sharing


  • Properly optimize the social sharing information

So, it is important to know how a landing page is different from a homepage or other websites, which is something that a good custom web design company can help you out with.

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11+ Tips to design Attractive Landing Page

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