error - Acme Themes Best Premium and Free Responsive WordPress Themes Mon, 26 Dec 2022 21:25:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 error - Acme Themes 32 32 100683744 Error Message & White Screen Mon, 26 Dec 2022 21:25:00 +0000 When I first logged into the admin area and the site to work on it, I noticed that the header image was not showing on the front page of the actual site or in the theme’s customize area. It was still showing in the inner pages though. In trying to find the problem, I had […]

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When I first logged into the admin area and the site to work on it, I noticed that the header image was not showing on the front page of the actual site or in the theme’s customize area. It was still showing in the inner pages though. In trying to find the problem, I had been clicking through the theme’s customize options. I then clicked themes > Educ Base Pro > Acme Fix Images… and it sent me to an error screen. I then received an email with a link to get back into the admin area. After clicking the link, I can now reach the admin area, but my site is now showing only a white screen.

The email I received also includes error information/details that I did not know if I should include here.

Can you please help?

Home Page

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Customizer not working – PHP Error Thu, 01 Dec 2022 01:11:31 +0000 When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information: WordPress version 6.1.1 Active theme: ProlificPro (version 3.0.3) Current plugin: (version ) PHP version 8.0.26 Error Details ============= An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 127 of the file /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-content/themes/prolificpro/acmethemes/sidebar-widget/acme-gallery-filter.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 […]

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When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information:
WordPress version 6.1.1
Active theme: ProlificPro (version 3.0.3)
Current plugin: (version )
PHP version 8.0.26

Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 127 of the file /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-content/themes/prolificpro/acmethemes/sidebar-widget/acme-gallery-filter.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, string given in /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-content/themes/prolificpro/acmethemes/sidebar-widget/acme-gallery-filter.php:127
Stack trace:
#0 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-content/themes/prolificpro/acmethemes/sidebar-widget/acme-gallery-filter.php(127): in_array(1, ”)
#1 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php(535): Prolific_gallery_filter->form(Array)
#2 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-admin/includes/widgets.php(274): WP_Widget->form_callback(Array)
#3 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php(1128): wp_widget_control(Array, Array)
#4 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php(1076): WP_Customize_Widgets->get_widget_control(Array)
#5 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php(714): WP_Customize_Widgets->get_available_widgets()
#6 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): WP_Customize_Widgets->enqueue_scripts(”)
#7 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#8 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#9 /homepages/6/d69889053/htdocs/dsa/wp-admin/customize.php(123): do_action(‘customize_contr…’)
#10 {main}

The post Customizer not working – PHP Error appeared first on Acme Themes.

Theme crashing; uncaught PHP Fatal Error in AcmePhotoPro Sat, 30 Apr 2022 12:39:08 +0000 I purchased this theme last year and it worked fine (version 3.0.2). Then I was forced to renew the theme (which has been updated to version 3.0.5). That’s when trouble began. Logging into WordPress (current version 5.9.3; PHP 7.4.29), the system crashes and locks me out of WordPress entirely. Via the command line I was […]

The post Theme crashing; uncaught PHP Fatal Error in AcmePhotoPro appeared first on Acme Themes.

I purchased this theme last year and it worked fine (version 3.0.2).

Then I was forced to renew the theme (which has been updated to version 3.0.5). That’s when trouble began.

Logging into WordPress (current version 5.9.3; PHP 7.4.29), the system crashes and locks me out of WordPress entirely. Via the command line I was able to restore to another theme to get access to WP.

In the debug and apache logs was the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to modify property “no_update” on bool in /var

It appears that AcmeTheme developers need to update the theme to play nicely with the Updates API:

Recommended usage of the Updates API to support the auto-updates UI for Plugins and Themes in WordPress 5.5

I'm not happy to have (re)bought a theme that crashes WP; buyer beware.

The post Theme crashing; uncaught PHP Fatal Error in AcmePhotoPro appeared first on Acme Themes.

Warning when editing page or post Mon, 07 Jun 2021 08:33:38 +0000 When I add or edit a page or a post I get an error above the content: Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/1/g/gulloggrastein/www/wp-content/themes/event-star/acmethemes/gutenberg/gutenberg-init.php on line 16 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/1/g/gulloggrastein/www/wp-content/themes/event-star/acmethemes/gutenberg/gutenberg-init.php on line 17 Warning: Cannot modify header information – […]

The post Warning when editing page or post appeared first on Acme Themes.

When I add or edit a page or a post I get an error above the content:

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/1/g/gulloggrastein/www/wp-content/themes/event-star/acmethemes/gutenberg/gutenberg-init.php on line 16

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/1/g/gulloggrastein/www/wp-content/themes/event-star/acmethemes/gutenberg/gutenberg-init.php on line 17

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/1/g/gulloggrastein/www/wp-content/themes/event-star/acmethemes/gutenberg/gutenberg-init.php:16) in /home/1/g/gulloggrastein/www/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 9

All plugins etc are updated. Do you have any suggestions to how I may fix this?

The post Warning when editing page or post appeared first on Acme Themes.

Fatal Error Mon, 24 Aug 2020 15:23:35 +0000 Warning: require_once(/home/customer/www/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/customer/www/ on line 53 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/customer/www/’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php73/pear’) in /home/customer/www/ on line 53

The post Fatal Error appeared first on Acme Themes.

Warning: require_once(/home/customer/www/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/customer/www/ on line 53

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/customer/www/’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php73/pear’) in /home/customer/www/ on line 53

The post Fatal Error appeared first on Acme Themes.

Google Hentry Error Tue, 16 Jan 2018 09:26:33 +0000 Hi firt of all thank you for this theme. After spending days and days going through various WP Themes, this is the one I was hoping to find. Now, the point is, Goggle shows me the notorious hentry error (missing entry-titlte, author, updated) for most of my pages. The usual descriptions how to solve this […]

The post Google Hentry Error appeared first on Acme Themes.

firt of all thank you for this theme. After spending days and days going through various WP Themes, this is the one I was hoping to find.
Now, the point is, Goggle shows me the notorious hentry error (missing entry-titlte, author, updated) for most of my pages. The usual descriptions how to solve this dont seem to work with Education Base, or at least i am unable to find the right spots within the templates.
Please let me know in wich templates I need to change/insert the tags.
I am using a static page with a Cild Theme of education base.
Thank you

The post Google Hentry Error appeared first on Acme Themes.
