SEO Traffic « Acme Themes Blog WordPress Themes and Plugins, WordPress Tips and Tricks, News and Events Wed, 07 Jun 2023 10:19:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SEO Traffic « Acme Themes Blog 32 32 109068206 How to Increase Website Traffic For Free?-Actionable Tips Wed, 25 Dec 2019 10:42:04 +0000 Website Traffic Website traffic is a number of people who come to your site through various channels. The channels can be different which we are going to discuss in detail in this post. Overall, engagement, lead, conversion, and profit entirely depends on website traffic. The more traffic to the site, the more the revenue is. There are mainly 5 types of website traffic Direct Traffic Organic Traffic Paid Traffic Referral Traffic Traffic from Social Media Among the above list, Organic, Direct, Referral and Traffic from Social Media are free. Paid traffic as the name suggests, is not free. However, social media traffic can be free or paid. In this article, I am going to talk about FREE traffic and these […]

The post How to Increase Website Traffic For Free?-Actionable Tips appeared first on Acme Themes Blog.

Website Traffic

Website traffic is a number of people who come to your site through various channels. The channels can be different which we are going to discuss in detail in this post. Overall, engagement, lead, conversion, and profit entirely depends on website traffic. The more traffic to the site, the more the revenue is. There are mainly 5 types of website traffic

  1. Direct Traffic
  2. Organic Traffic
  3. Paid Traffic
  4. Referral Traffic
  5. Traffic from Social Media

Among the above list, Organic, Direct, Referral and Traffic from Social Media are free. Paid traffic as the name suggests, is not free. However, social media traffic can be free or paid.

In this article, I am going to talk about FREE traffic and these are the best practices to bring free traffic to the website.

Tips to Bring Free Traffic to the Website

  • Focus on On-Page SEO
  • Effectively use Social Media
  • Create Videos
  • Find Influencers
  • Collaborate With Partners
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Contribute in Guest Posting
  • Email Marketing 
  • Create High-Quality Content

#Tip 1 – Focus on On-Page SEO

On-page SEO also known as on-site SEO is one of the important factors for organic traffic. It is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized. There are different techniques involved in on-page SEO.

On-Page SEO techniques involve –

  • Do Proper Keyword Research before writing any post
  • Put Attractive Page Titles
  • SEO Friendly URL structure
  • Proper Meta Description
  • Optimize Media Files
  • Content Formatting
  • Optimize Website Speed
  • Take Care of Responsiveness
  • Content SEO
  • Keyword Density
  • Work in LSI Keywords
  • Maintaining Headline Hierarchy
  • Proper Internal Linking
  • Outbound Link
  • Create High-Quality Content

#Tip 2 – Effectively Use Social Media

Social media is still a great tool for free website traffic in 2020. Social media channels play an important role in driving traffic to your website. Such channels like Facebook, Twitter,  Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote blog posts and other useful pages on your website. This way you can turn your social media audience into website visitors, and draw traffic from their networks if you post shareable content. You have to build your social media marketing strategy for effective marketing. Different social media channels are –

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Quora
  • Reddit

#Tip 3 – Create Videos

Video marketing is a practice of using videos to promote and market your product or service to the potential and existing customers. The majority of people prefer visual presentations so you can create videos and publish in different video publishing channels like Youtube, Vimeo, etc. You can promote your brand through videos by solving people’s problems. Also, you can give a link to your website, so that, people will come to your website for more necessary information.

Video marketing increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educate your consumers and customers and reach your audience with a new medium.

#Tip 4 – Find Influencers

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on using key leaders to drive your brand’s message to the larger market. Rather than marketing directly to a large group of consumers, you instead inspire/hire/pay influencers to get out the word for you.

A successful influencer marketing strategy helps you increase brand exposure, build authority, and connect with new audiences. It drives traffic to your site and leads new customers to your products and services.

#Tip 5 – Collaborate With Partners

Another best way to promote a website is by finding other partners within a similar niche. You can collaborate for cross-promotion. This usually happens in all sections of the businesses. Collaboration does only allow you to expose in the bigger audience but also build trust and credibility.


  • Find partners from similar niche
  • Collaborate for a long term and goal-driven partnership

#Tip 6 – Give Time for Off-Page SEO

Another important tip for driving free website traffic is off-side SEO.

Off-Page SEO technique sometimes called off-site SEO techniques – is a technique of improving the ranking of the website in the Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERPs). 

Off-page SEO has nothing to do with website design and the technical part of the website. Basically, it is a type of promoting a website across all the internet channels. Optimizing for off-site ranking involves a number of techniques such as –

  • Guest Posting
  • Social Media Promotion
  • Email Marketing
  • Q/A Submission
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Link Building/Exchanging
  • Image/Video/Docs Submission
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Blog Commenting
  • Local Business Listing

#Tip 7 – Contribute as Guest Posting

Guest Posting or blogging is the process of posting content on another person’s website as a guest.  You can contribute content to someone’s blog which allows you to promote yourself. It is an opportunity to take your expertise and share it with others.

Guest blogging is about building relationships. You’re networking with other bloggers and making new connections which might prove useful later on.

Importance of Guest posting

  • Establish yourself as an authority figure
  • Helps to build relationships
  • Introduces with new people
  • Increase your Social Media Following
  • Boost your credibility
  • Helps to share the content with different audiences
  • Helps to extend your network with other bloggers
  • Ultimately bring traffic to your website

#Tip 8 – Email Marketing

Another important technique to grow free website traffic is email marketing. It is helpful when you have a properly defined audience and you can reach them through emails. Promote blog posts through your email campaign to ensure success. Feature relevant blog posts and make sure you encourage click-through back to your blog.

Start using an e-mail marketing platform and grow your email lists. Mailchimp is free under a certain number of subscribers. Offer an incentive on your website to get people to sign up. Offer them something in exchange for signing up. Update and send out an e-newsletter at least one-two times a month with updates, sales, and other information for your current and prospective clients.

#Tip 9 – Create High-Quality  and Original Content

Here, the meaning of quality content is content that creates value for the targeted customers. Engaging content means somehow, that content should engage the reader by providing relevant images/infographics, GIFs, videos.

Original content refers to that the content is not copied from the other sources. Instead, it is written from scratch with own experience and in-depth research. Lastly, helpful content means, that it should solve the user’s problem that they are looking for.

If your content is helpful for other people they are going to stay at the site for a longer time.  Ultimately, Google automatically ranks you higher.

Paid Methods of Driving Traffic

1. Display Advertising

Display advertising is one form of a paid method for promoting a website. Display banners are placed on relevant websites to attract potential customers. This is one of the traditional methods of advertising that has been in practice for a long time.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is in the booming stage. With social media advertising, you are paying to show up your product in relevant feeds of the users. One best thing about social media marketing its retargeting feature that allows you can choose the people to whom you want to show ads. You can specify the type of audience in front of which you’d like to appear. Best social media advertising platforms are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Quora where billions of users are already there.

3. Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC is a type of advertising where the retailer pays the system when his advertising causes a person to click on it. It can become an extremely efficient way of a paid promotion for your website if you can set it up the right way.

It can cause a surge in your traffic numbers and get the people that care to buy your product to visit your website. It can’t guarantee any sales, but it leads people who search for your keywords to see your advertising message and if you design it to be relevant in the moment of their search they will click on your ad and will be redirected to the landing page of your website.

Related  – PPC vs SEO Which is Best? 

You should take it from there and lead your customers to purchase by making their stay on your website enjoyable and having the right detailed descriptions, quality images of your product so that they can decide if they want to buy.

Top PPC Platforms 

  • Google AdWords
  • Bing
  • Yahoo

So, these are the top tips for driving free and paid traffic to the website. Getting more website visitors does not happen overnight. It takes some effort but if you follow these tips and keep consistency, you will start getting the result.

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The post How to Increase Website Traffic For Free?-Actionable Tips appeared first on Acme Themes Blog.

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