No update - Acme Themes Best Premium and Free Responsive WordPress Themes Thu, 06 Apr 2017 10:38:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 No update - Acme Themes 32 32 100683744 No Update Wed, 12 Oct 2016 06:41:43 +0000 Hi,i’m in deep trouble. Any change could not reach the main page. All the articles i write (from a specific date, the 30th of sept), are pubblish but cannot reach the main page. That’s strange, because all of them, are correctly share trough the wp platform to fb and twitter. As you may see the […]

The post No Update appeared first on Acme Themes.

Hi,i’m in deep trouble. Any change could not reach the main page. All the articles i write (from a specific date, the 30th of sept), are pubblish but cannot reach the main page. That’s strange, because all of them, are correctly share trough the wp platform to fb and twitter. As you may see the plug in are updated but not the main page. I try to.change also the menĂ¹, but i’ve got the same result (no update). If i log in, everything are updated. The articless, the menĂ¹. that’s strange! I ask to wp support, and they suggest to contact you. I contact the support of who host all the structure of the blog. They confirm.that’s not their fault. It’s sound like something block the “outside version” of my blog, but not inside when i’m logged in. Of course i did no change anything with reference to settings orother things in that way.the address is
Could you please help me.thank you in advance

The post No Update appeared first on Acme Themes.
