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10 SEO Errors of WordPress Websites – Acme Blog

SEO Errors of wordpress websites

SEO Errors of WordPress Websites WordPress powers more than a quarter website in the world. And the number is growing day by day. It is super easy to build any type of website with WordPress. Especially with the use of amazing plugins like Gutentor, you can create any type of website in a matter of an hour. There is no doubt that WordPress is great for building websites. But building a website only does not make any sense. We need to build it in a way that people could easily find it on the internet. Also, we need to build sites in such a way that search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing love it. For this, we need to […]

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First Contentful Paint (FCP) and First Meaningful Paint (FMP) Explained


Whenever you are testing your website on speed testing tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights,  you see the result with First Contentful Paint and First Meaningful Paint along with other speed metrics. These are important user-centric metrics that can tell you a lot about how long your visitors are waiting for content.  Let’s give a look at the following two screenshots. PageSpeed Insights speed report: speed report: For any website, these two metrics indicate how fast is a particular website’s contents are opening on the screen. You might be wondering what those metrics exactly are. In this article, we are going to cover the First Contentful Paint (FCP) and First Meaningful Paint (MFP) in detail. Also, we […]

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How Content Marketing is Important For A Business in 2023?

content amrketing

Content marketing stands at the core of any business in today’s digital world. It can be used for both building trust as well as securing a position in the industry. In this article, we are going to cover in detail about the topic “Content Marketing”. What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is one of the marketing approaches by distributing valuable content to the targeted audience. The ultimate goal of content marketing is to drive the traffic to the website and convert them into customers. It is also called the art and science of using instructive, informative, or entertaining content to reach out to a specific set of the target audience, convert them into customers, and nurture them to incite loyalty. […]

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WordPress 301 Redirect – A Step by Step Ultimate Guide

301 Redirect WordPress

For a website, there are various HTTPS Status Codes used for different purposes. Below are the HTTPS status code categories: 100s – Informational 200s – Success 300s – Redirection 400s – Client Error 500s – Server Error Among the above-listed status codes, we are talking about 300s – Redirection. There are different types of redirects such as 301 redirects, 302 redirects, 307 redirects, etc. However, to be precise in the topic, we are discussing 301 redirects in this article. I am going to cover all the topics related to “WordPress 301 Redirect“. We will cover – What are the 301 redirects? Why do you need 301 redirects? When to create 301 redirects? and How to create 301 redirects in WordPress? […]

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10 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Business Website

10 important wordpress plugins

WordPress powers more than a quarter website in the world. It is, by far, the World’s most popular Content Management System (CMS) holding 51.76 % of CMS market share (as of 2019). One reason for being this popular is because of the plugins’ availability. There are more than 55000 active plugins in the WordPress directory to choose from. It adds extra functionality to the WordPress website without even touching a single line of code. For a business website, you need to take care of lots of things in order to maintain the website’s effectiveness. Such as SEO, website speed, backup, designs and many more. So, here I have listed the essential plugins that you need to have in order to […]

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No Follow vs Do Follow Link – What is The Difference?

Do follow no follow copy

In Seach Engine Optimization (SEO), outbound links have a high impact on website ranking. Building and earning high-quality links are the core task of any SEO strategy. In this article, I am going to explain everything you need to know about outbound links, its type, advantages, and disadvantages. What is Outbound Link? An outbound link (external link) is a link that goes out from your website. As the name suggests, outbound links send visitors from your website to “linked” sites. Outbound links are used in a website for reference to the original article, facts. Or even for credibility and more information. Sometimes you give an external link for image/infographics credit and citation. Following figure clearly illustrates what outbound is – […]

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How to Increase Website Traffic For Free?-Actionable Tips

increase free traffic on website

Website Traffic Website traffic is a number of people who come to your site through various channels. The channels can be different which we are going to discuss in detail in this post. Overall, engagement, lead, conversion, and profit entirely depends on website traffic. The more traffic to the site, the more the revenue is. There are mainly 5 types of website traffic Direct Traffic Organic Traffic Paid Traffic Referral Traffic Traffic from Social Media Among the above list, Organic, Direct, Referral and Traffic from Social Media are free. Paid traffic as the name suggests, is not free. However, social media traffic can be free or paid. In this article, I am going to talk about FREE traffic and these […]

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Pinterest SEO Tips 2023 To Grow Your Traffic


Driving traffic to the website is one of the primary tasks for Online Business Owners. For those business owners who sell digital products and services, the growth of the business entirely depends on the number of traffic that comes to the website. So, it is always important to look for different ways to drive traffic to the website. Social media is one of the best ways to bring people to the website. And talking about social media, Pinterest always is the best platform for an internet marketer to showcase their products. According to Forbes, Pinterest is the second most used social media app in the US and Europe. As of August 2019, Pinterest achieved a share of approximately 16.79 percent […]

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Acme Themes Christmas Sale 2022 – Get 40% Discount


Hello WordPress lovers! On every festive occasion, we have been offering great deals on our WordPress themes.  It’s that time of the year again and Santa has got some good deals for you this time around! We are offering a huge discount on all our Premium WordPress Themes on the auspicious occasion of Merry Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023. At this festival time, Acme Themes is offering a 40% Discount on premium products. We have 22+ Premium Themes with 3 different Pricing Plans. Acme Themes is creating fast, optimized, professional, cleanly coded, and fully responsive WordPress themes with limitless possibilities to create your website unique and beautiful. Acme Themes has developed both niche base and multipurpose WordPress Themes which include Magazine, […]

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18 Best SEO Tools To Use in 2023 For Better Ranking (Freemium)

Best SEO tools

In this article, we are going to list the 18 best SEO tools to use in 2023. These free and paid SEO tools will help you to analyze your website health and technical issues so that you can optimize for better ranking and ultimately grow your online business. So, let’s get started! What Are SEO Tools? SEO tools are software that helps you optimize websites in order to beat the ranking in search engines. These tools are helpful for analyzing and optimizing the contents, technical issues occurred within the websites. Different SEO tools will help you do different things. Some are great for keyword research (on-page SEO techniques) while others are better for tracking and managing your keywords and your […]

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