Slider Photo/Header image Problems - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Fitness Hub Slider Photo/Header image Problems

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    I have 2 questions. I read the documentation, and this isn’t addressed:

    1. I have a photo of woman holding a dumbbell on the HOME page as a featured image. I chose HOME page in the Slider Selection. I want the Home page slider to look like your demo with this Photo and text on it. Photo looks great on site ( but the bold text on it says “HOME” and then the excerpt beneath it. And another problem: The photo duplicates on the bottom of the home page. (After the widgets) I want to delete the duplicate. In your demo, how is the text “BUILD YOUR BODY STRONG” then smaller text beneath? Is it a page titled “BUILD YOUR BODY STRONG”? If so, how do you keep that page out of the menus? And can I change the colour of the text on this image of woman & dumbbell? Theme text is white, but my background is white on the photo. I like the white page title text on the other pages.

    2. Header image – I chose a header image (It’s a photo of a silhouette standing beside barbell/dumbbells) but on the home page, it appears near the bottom and it has the word “HOME” on it. I’d rather put a quote on it. I don’t know how to get rid of the word “HOME”. And is it possible to move up the header to before the CONTACT form?

    Thanks for your help –



    Dear Liveyourstrong,
    1. The photo duplicates on the bottom of the home page. (After the widgets) I want to delete the duplicate.
    Response: Please follow the given path to display duplicate content in home page:-
    Path: Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Layout/Design Options => Front Page Content => Hide Front Page Content (Check it).

    2. In your demo, how is the text “BUILD YOUR BODY STRONG” then smaller text beneath? Is it a page titled “BUILD YOUR BODY STRONG”? If so, how do you keep that page out of the menus?
    Response: You have to remove manually remove that page from primary menu. Please follow the path:-
    Path: Dashboard => Appearance => Menus . (Note: Remove that page from the menu which is select on primary Menu setting )

    3. And can I change the colour of the text on this image of woman & dumbbell? Theme text is white, but my background is white on the photo. I like the white page title text on the other pages.
    Response: We’re very sorry to say that this option is not available in free theme but these features available in the pro theme.

    4. Header image – I chose a header image (It’s a photo of a silhouette standing beside barbell/dumbbells) but on the home page, it appears near the bottom and it has the word “HOME” on it. I’d rather put a quote on it. I don’t know how to get rid of the word “HOME”. And is it possible to move up the header to before the CONTACT form?
    Response: The header image always displays at header section after the menu of inner page. There is no option to disable page title “Home” in the free theme. If you need move header part before then it will require theme customization.

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