Logo issue iphone - Acme Themes


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  • #20607
    sebastian vergara

    Hi, at the moment i go into my web through my iphone, the logo is not working well, it appears above the slider text. Can you please help me with a CSS code to let me ´lock’ the logo in the navigation bar?

    Thanks a lot!


    First we request you to check our theme demo and try to find similar issues on that demo as well. If no such issues is found, please try once by deactivating the installed plugin and remove custom CSS(if added any). Try this and let us know the results with site URl as well.



    I have the same problem with phone and tablet screens.
    I had to remove sticky header menu option in order to have something acceptable.


    Hello dsl25
    Thank you for sharing your answer with us. We will consult with the developer soon and contact you.

    Thank you again.

    Acme Themes

    Hello dsl25

    Please use the following custom CSS :

    .navbar {
        z-index: 99999;

    Let us know if this solve the issue.

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes


    Thanks for this but it doesn’t seem to change anything related to this problem.
    I just re-enabled sticky menus and added the above in my child CSS and you can see the problem here if you reduce your screen size: ppdesign.tk

    Acme Themes

    The next solution can be resizing the font size of the slider. Please try the following custom CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        .home-bxslider .lead {
            font-size: 22px;

    or you can also try, Full Screen Background on Feature Slider Image Display Options, the slider size is very small because of Image size you used in the Phone.

    Best Regards!


    Yeah, thanks, in fact I did both and it works much better now.
    I set Full Screen Background on Feature Slider Image Display Options but also added this in CSS to reduce slider titles font-size to 36px:

    .home-bxslider .lead {
        display: block;
        color: #ffffff;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 36px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        width: 80%;
        margin: 0 auto;

    I think it’s OK now, many thanks!


    Nice to know that your problem is solved.

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