slider images on IOS - Acme Themes
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  • #9216

    Dear Sirs,
    this is a great theme and i’d definitely like to buy pro, but i’ve got a visualization problem under IOS (namely: Iphone / Ipad).
    I saw this question on an other thread but Ididn’t find the solution.
    i’m doing a demo with corporate plus, and i’ll definitely buy a PRO if the demo is ok…but without iphone responsiveness is a no-go for my customer.

    DESCRIPTION: the image in the featured-slider-section (uploaded via “header image” tab), displayed on iPhone are “zoomed”.
    – perfect on other pc / notebook / screen
    – perfect under android devices
    – **** you can check what i’m saying visiting with an android phone and then with an iphone (you’ll see the difference immediately)****
    – i noticed that even background images on “featured section”/”contact form” widgets (both on homepage), have the same problem (guess is related)
    – I’ve set general media settings under SETTING->MEDIA according to docs
    – I’ve installed and run “fix images”
    – the header image is 1920X1280 according to docs, and i’ve tried in 2 ways: 1) uploading the “image as it is” (1920×1280), and 2) using “fix-image plug in” tool+ the “crop on upload” in the customizer’s “header option”; i’ve did that as i’have the doubt: 1920×1280 is in your doc, but it’s not a resolution listed on the media settings/imagefix guide’s sections…so i though header images were an exception. anyway, whatever the procedure…i’ve experienced the same issue.
    – all plugins disabled except “acme fix images” and “contact form 7”
    – wp version: 4.6.1 / corporate plus 1.2.1

    and yes..i’ll buy the pro if you say this is fixed in pro version. the theme is very good.

    thanks a lot.


    Hello qskwatsch,
    Thank you so much for your question and thanks a lot for using our theme Corporate Plus and about your interest on Corporate Plus Pro. We understand your questions and primarily we noticed that the issues arise due to the design aspect. We will check the details about it and inform you shortly. We will check your site as well on real devices too.
    Thank you so much for showing the issues. And we request you to check our pro version demo as well. If such issues in the pro version demo as well or not. We checked the demo here and it’s looking fine.
    Looking forward from you soon.

    Acme Supports


    Kindly check this link for the slider responsive image issues.

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