Header Customization - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog Header Customization

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    I’m trying to figure out which is the best size for the logo at the header. By “best size” I mean which is the size needed to make the logo as bigger as possible, both tall and large.

    ¡Thank you!


    Hello Pablodopoulus,
    Thank you so much for using our theme. I think that you want to add the logo size bigger ? If so, try once by adding the bigger logo size image. If no any changes will arise, you have to write some custom CSS code for it.
    You can add custom code here: https://doc.acmethemes.com/acmeblog/#WhereandhowtoaddcustomCSS

    If you feel any problem, please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,


    Thanks for your response, I will try to change it. I have another question.

    ¿Is it possible to put the top-left date in spanish wihtout writtinh custom CSS?



    There is no any options for making date in spanish. You have to do it through child theme. Create a child theme and write some of line of code to change the date in to spanish. Please try with the help of google.


    If you buy our premium product, our dedicated team will provide you the child theme with the above features that you need. http://www.acmethemes.com/themes/acmeblogpro/
    Please if you have any query, please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports



    I am currently using the free version of AcmeBlog, which I love, but I am having trouble with the date displayed in the header. I lived in Denver CO and have the time zone set to Denver in my general settings, but the date display in the header is still going off of UTC. This is problem for me because around 5:30pm MDT the date will automatically jump to the next day. For example today is 03/20/2016, but my site is saying that it is 03/21/2016. This is also messing up my event calendar widjet and causing it to stop displaying the current days events. Is there a way to fix this or do I need to use the pro version in order to change the date to my liking?


    Hello herrdelta,

    That is not available currently in both free and pro version.
    Thank you for suggesting us a new feature. We will add it in new version both pro and free.

    Best Regards,

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