Header Image Question - Acme Themes
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  • #13963

    Hi there, liking the theme. I have what I hope is a very simple question for you to answer regarding the header image. On mobile screens (including tablets), it’s possible to slide the header image left or right, even though it should not be. I only have one image, which seems to be getting duplicated to either side, with additional blank space on either side of the duplications.

    Perhaps this is a simple “no repeat” but as of yet I haven’t been able to determine where to put it. To see what I mean in action, please visit http://www.affordablerealestatephotography.com and look at the image that says “Stand out from the crowd.” on a mobile device. Oh, and I only have ‘Droids to test with, so not sure if the same issue occurs on i-devices.



    Hello Martin,
    Thank you so much for using our theme. First we recommend you to check our demo on your mobile phone and tablets and try to find the same issue. If you got the same issues on the demo as well, you need to customize the theme based on your need. Otherwise, you can use the theme features to make like the demo. As we know, you are talking about the slider, and slider is only available on the premium products of this theme. So, we recommend you to check our premium products. By the way, the URL you provided above is really nice and your website is really awesome. Loved it. 🙂
    If you have any confusion, let us know.

    Acme Supports

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