Icons disappear when chaning site home address - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Event Star Icons disappear when chaning site home address

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    I would like to display in the browser my domain name, not wordpress file catalogue link, so I change Home URL in settings. If I do that all theme icons disappear and there are just little squares. All the rest of design is ok. I have tried re-save permalinks, regenerate thumbnails, (clear cache of course). What shall I do to get icons back?


    While site home url is changed also customizer does not work, I managed to get there fatal error that something is wrong in file event star – class-at-theme.info.php
    in row 63. I tested that row in php validator, there were no errors according to that. However, only option to get site back was to deactivate event star theme, change urls back and deactivate troubleshooting plugin I was using to test.
    Also – if the site`s home url is different, also admin bar disappears when I´m in a page view. I have another site (with other themes) set up like that and there is no errors like that. Any response from author would be much appreciated!


    Dear Sandras,
    If you can provide us your site URL, we will observe and can provide you with possible solutions.
    Best Regards!


    Thank you! You can see the site from that link.
    For now I removed from wp-config that part of the code which is showing the short home url, if needed to test, I can put it back for certain time
    Here is also screenshot as an example and screenshot from the error I got


    Is there any news about the issue? I really need now to go live with the short url..

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