Cannot access/change Excerpts - Acme Themes

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    I recently decided to try this theme out for my WordPress class. I really like it, but when i used the demo/dummy build, it created all these excerpts.
    I am unable to change them at all. I cannot find where they are supposed to be, or how to change them. In the documentation, it offers a picture of the Page editor, and just a little section underneath it, but i *do not have that* on my page. I only have Text, Sidebar, and Comments, I do not have any way to edit the excerpts.


    Dear Eli,
    You have check the box on screen option of any post or page to let the excerpt box appear on screen.
    Dashboard->All Pages->Pages->Choose any page
    Click on Screen Options-> Check the box on Excerpt-> Go downwards there you will find the box for inserting text on excerpt.
    See the image below:

    Best Regards!

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