Site may down for maintenance

Important Notice! may be down for some maintenance and upgrades from 1:15 AM of 2nd July 2016 to 5 AM of that day(EST), i.e. 11 AM to 3 PM on (GMT+5:45). If any of the services are unavailable this period, we will be so sorry about that. We are going to add some features and design of We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

Design Changed:
Home Pages
Inner Pages
Shop, cart, checkout and my account pages
Blog Page
And slightly changes on the other pages too.

Added Features:
Automatic Updates
Extended theme License for developers.

If you got any problem at that time, we will be available on the email and we will respond quickly. So, please email us, we will provide the best support from the email.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below: