Acme Themes

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Can Online Shop themes implement affiliate link ? #33653

    Hello feiks,

    Since Online Shop use WooCommerce for main plugin ( Product Management ), it has options for affiliate product by default.

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes

    in reply to: How do I update my theme to pro-version #5725

    Hello Lars,
    Thank you so much for your theme purchase and thanks for your question regarding our theme. We really feel happy to help our clients. As per your question, free theme can’t automatically update to pro version, you have to add it manually.
    Go to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload(Upload the Zip file of the theme ‘’) and activate it.
    Of you can upload if through FTP(wp-contents/themes/upload the folder ‘acmeblogpro’ not zip file).

    If you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask. Our dedicated support forum will answer you.

    Kind Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: How to add breaks into the About Section? #5888

    Hello Chris,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Corporate Plus Pro. As per your question, you add the HTML format to make as your requirements. We developed this theme in the concept of child and parent page, so if the requirement is not meet, you may need some customization of the theme. We prepared a lot of blog post here for your help. Please read here If the confusion is not solved, please let us know, we will try our best to help you.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Logo size.. #4534

    Hello william,

    We are very happy to know that you are using child theme for theme customization. You are doing absolutely right way.
    It seems like you have already started to customize. You have added this code.

    .site-logo.float-left {
        width: 100%;

    which is good.
    Now you have to change the logo( image ) size. Currently your logo size is 290 * 60, please increase logo size.
    Further if you are willing to change file for the header, the file is not core.php, it is header.php inside acmethemes/hooks/header.php of theme folder supermagpro. You can just copy paste file in the child theme in the same path eg. in child theme create acmethemes folder then inside there create hooks folder then paste header.php of parent theme there, now you are good to go for customization. Same goes on other files too.
    If you have further query please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Themes

    in reply to: How to change text on footer #4837

    Hello Gela,
    Thank you so much for using our theme SuperNews. If you want to change the text on the footer, you have to use the premium plan of it. In case of free theme, there is no options to remove or change it. If you are familiar with WordPress codes, you can customize the theme.

    Note: Child theme is recommended to customize the theme.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: How to remove the "Related" at the end of the posts? #5324

    Hello Kalise10,
    Thank you so much for your question. We have a options to hide related post on the single post.
    Appearance > Customize > Single Post Options > Show/Hide Related Post.



    in reply to: Remove Author from post? #5727

    Hi Mathilde,
    We have a options to remove the author info on single page. Have a look here

    If you want to hide the author on the home page, please use the below CSS code.

    .home {
        display: none;

    Paste this code on Appearance > Customize > layout/design options > Custom CSS

    If the problem is not solved yet, please write us. We will provide you the alternative solutions.

    Kind Regards,
    Acme supports

    in reply to: Remove Author from post? #5729

    Hello mathilde,
    Thank you so much for using our theme. You want to remove the Author only from home page or from every place of the site. Would you please elaborate it, so that we can suggest you the best idea.


    in reply to: Change Header Text #5645

    Hello Randy_SH,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Corporate Plus. Please read the blog post here to change default slider text.

    Corporate Plus Pro: Change default slider text

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Broken Menu #5740

    Hello Amandeep,
    We checked your site and it is working fine here. Would you please refresh your site once with hard refresh or please check it with another browser ?


    in reply to: Removing meta #4538

    Hello Thaigerweb,
    Would you please tell us where you want this Underline on the post? On the title or on the every link on the post, so that we can provide you the custom CSS.


    in reply to: Removing meta #4540

    Please add the below css codes on Custom CSS field. .entry-footer {
        clear: both;
        display: none;
    } .entry-header .entry-meta {
        display: none;

    If not worked again, please let us know. We will help you with other alternatives methods too.


    in reply to: Removing meta #4544

    It’s simple to hide that tags, please try it once, let us know if not worked.

    .above-entry-meta {
        display: none !important;

    Paste this code on From Customize, go to Layout/Design Option then Custom CSS.

    If your problem is not solved, we will help you with another alternative method.


    in reply to: Related Posts #4536

    Hello ChicagoMusicGuide,
    Thanks for your questions. You will get all the options related to related post are under Appearance > Customize > Single Post Options > Related Post options. You will get the options there. If you want to add more features there, you need to customize the theme. You will get all the codes inside acmethemes/hooks/related-post.php file. Please customize the theme as your need.

    Note: Child theme is recommend to customize theme.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Themes

    in reply to: Buy Pro version #5326

    Hello Andy,
    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and we are really happy that you liked our theme.
    1. Our theme is easy for customization and Child theme Compatible, so, you can customize the theme with Child theme using some Custom CSS codes.
    2. You can easily add the Adsense code anywhere on the theme on header section and also on the sidebar, home page etc.

    Hope, you will enjoy with our premium theme.

    Kind Regards,
    Acme Supports

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 167 total)