Background image in Testimonial Section - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Mercantile Background image in Testimonial Section

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  • #32025

    I have tried to remove background image for testimonial section but still it display the same image that came with the theme. what can i do?
    I would like also on the navbar where i have menu and submenu to deactivate the menu so they will be no click on the menu but when hoovering it
    you can click on the submenu. How can I achieve this please. thanks


    Dear Pacifique,
    1. To remove the testimonial background image, please follow this path:-
    Apperance->Customize->Home Main Content Area->AT testimonials Section
    Remove select Background Image
    2. To make the menu unclickable and submenu clickable. Then go to:-
    Apperance->Menu->Home -> URL-> #
    Set URL to # for other menu also to deactivate it from being clickable.

    Best Regards!


    Thank you very much I appreciate! So if i choose to go on pro for that theme, can I import the work I did with the non premium or I have to start it all over?


    Dear Pacifique,
    You are Most Welcome 🙂 You don`t have to import your contents if you switch to pro theme. All your data will be safe.

    Best Regards!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by acmesupports.
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