Remove space for left sidebar and extend width of posts? - Acme Themes

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    Can you help me out again with this theme?

    Here is an example post –

    As you can see, I’m only using the right sidebar area. However, there is empty space in the left sidebar area. Is there a way I can get rid of this empty space and extend the posts to fill in that area?

    Thank you.


    Thank you so much for using our theme Read More. You can use Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar and No Sidebar. This are all the features available on theme. If you want to make the width more large, you can find the container width on style.css file, please check and increase as your need. Hope you can find the codes and possible to increase the width.


    If I have the theme set to right sidebar only, I shouldn’t be seeing all of this empty space. If you look at the title, you can see that I have the left sidebar turned off. I know how to increase the width and I can adjust the width all I want, but it doesn’t remove the empty space on the left of my posts. Please tell me how to remove this empty space.
    Empty Space on Left


    Hello simplybillie,
    The above listed white space is for Related Post. Please add similar post on that category, and related post will appear. Please check our demos as well.

    Hope, you will understand.


    The fix required a simple CSS code. I’m not sure why you guys were unable to help with that….
    Thankfully, I was able to get that code elsewhere and get rid of the empty space without having to add a featured section there.


    Hello simplybillie,
    If you make that post full width, the related post will not appear. So that we just want to confirm that you need that related post or not. Anyways, you sort out the problem. We are happy with you.


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