Page 9 – Acme Themes

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  • acmethemes

    Hello flavorfulworld,

    Your query is long but we have read it thoroughly. Actually we find 2 queries, which we try to answer in following points:

    • In “Featured Slider Options”, free theme only let you choose category, In pro theme “category”, “page”, “Custom” or “Recent Posts” option available.
    • We are following WordPress Theme Standard guide “Front page vs Home guidelines”, if theme user choose latest post, latest post should be display there, nothing other is allowed in there

    Both our premium theme and free theme follow WordPress theme guidelines and coding-standard. We can proudly say our coding standard is one of the best.
    Please feel free to ask any further query if We have missed.

    Best Regards,


    Theme don’t delete or disrupt anything adding in Custom CSS or other customizer option while updating or upgrading from free to pro.
    Also while upgrading from free to pro, you just need to adjust some of the widget setting only, other setting are automatically migrated including Custom CSS.
    The main advantage of using SuperMagPro is there available more setting and controls in the theme, 12+ custom widgets( Free only 2), Video Support, Advanced Related Post options etc, We will list soon and keep them in our website :).
    A lot of the features different you can see in the demo too:
    SuperMagPro Demo :
    SuperMag Demo :
    also definitely we provide more priority support for our premium theme user.
    You can buy SuperMagPro theme from here

    If you have further any queries please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,


    Hello hollywoodmetal,
    Thank you for using our theme SuperMag.
    If you need to change the main theme any file, please do not do that. We strongly recommend to use child theme for that.
    But for adding only CSS you can use theme customizer options:
    Appearance=> Customize => Layout/Design Option => Custom CSS and use Custom CSS
    Please never change the parent ( Main ) theme itself.

    in reply to: Is there a way #4811

    You are most welcome 🙂

    in reply to: Is there a way #4813

    Hello Daniel,

    Please follow the theme instructions here :
    Also We recommend you to use plugin named Acme Fix Image ( ) to crop the actual size of the images. This is also described in the theme documentation.
    Hope this will solve your issue.

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Modules setting in front page #4817

    We are very happy to know your problem solved.

    Best Regards

    in reply to: Featured Slider ( Category Slider ) #5502

    Hello Trajan2845,

    Thank you for interest in our theme.
    Please follow the documentation here
    also Please follow this guide, it will be useful for free version too.
    Further if you buy premium theme and want to see us problem, having confusion in setting up anything, want simple customization, we will do that for you free of charge. Only for heavy customization we request to order customization

    If you have get any confusion, please feel free to ask, definitely we try our best for solving problem for our free theme user too.

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Breadcrumbs on Both Sidebar template #4815

    Hello Michael,

    For your requirement, you need to create child theme, and you have to remove this hook
    add_action( 'supermag_action_after_header', 'supermag_before_content', 10 );,
    and add your own hook. This is simple customization task. The hook is present in acmethemes/hooks/header.php line 542 in the theme version 1.0.2.
    Just like to know if you can do it by yourself. If you can do it we will guide you or we will provide you child theme by doing it ourselves, please let us know.
    Note : We will update it in the next version of theme SuperMagPro if majority of our clients want it.


    in reply to: Remove Featured Image in single post #5486

    Hello younman,

    Thank you for using our theme SuperMag.
    Please go to Appearance=> Customize => Layout/Design Option => Custom CSS and use following CSS.

    .single-thumb {
        display: none;

    Hope this will solve your problems.

    Note: This is just notification, in our pro version of theme SuperMagPro, you don’t need to use custom CSS, we have added option to show/remove featured image in all single post or show/remove featured image in a particular single post. You can check pro version of SuperMag Theme here

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Modules setting in front page #4819

    Hello Andrea,

    From the Admin panel Please go to Settings => Reading, there should be Front page displays options.
    Please make sure Front page displays is there while activating WordPress default theme like Twenty Sixteen, Twenty Fifteen eg
    If there is no Front page displays, there must be something wrong in your WordPress or installed plugins.

    Again one last thing, please make sure that you have added some pages. For adding page please go to Pages => Add New from the admin panel and add pages, we would like to suggest you to add at-least two pages lets say ‘Front page’ and ‘Blog Page’ for front page and blog page. Without adding any pages “Static Front Page” option not display in customizer and in “Settings => Reading”

    Can you please do that and let us know if this solve your problem?
    Please don’t worry, If you have any confusion in doing these things, please let us know we will do that by ourselves and find out the actual cause of the problem. Waiting for your reply.


    in reply to: Default Advertisement banner and images #5490

    Hello giordani,

    We just checked it through chrome Version 48.0.2564.116 m, in Windows 10 and Chrome 480.2564.116 in Mac OS 10.10.5, the banner is showing fine.
    There must be some Advertisement blocking tool in your chrome, which is causing this, can you please check and confirm?


    in reply to: Modules setting in front page #4821

    Hello Andrea,

    The module you are talking are Widgets.
    Please follow the steps:

    • First Setup front-page and blog page according to this documentation: Setting up Front page and Blog ( Posts ) page
    • Now from the admin panel, go to Appearance => Widgets, You can see there many widget areas, The widgets area for front/home page is Home Main Content Area
    • Drag and Drop AT Posts Column widget to Home Main Content Area
    • From the widgets options there, select Layout 2 in First Featured Post Layout , and Enable First Post Featured

    This will display like Fashion module in demo. There are other various Available Widgets , which you can simply drag and drop to any sidebar widgets areas.
    Hope this will solve your problems, further if you have any problems, please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Featured Slider ( Category Slider ) #5504

    Hello Lellie Jo,

    You are doing right way.
    Further you can add category while adding/editing post form Categories box => + Add New Category too.

    Best Regards

    in reply to: Child Theme, Theme Installation Guide, CSS broken #4823

    Very nice to hear your problem solved :).

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Child Theme, Theme Installation Guide, CSS broken #4824

    Yes definitely our theme is child theme friendly, you can even override inner file of themes not only templates files.
    Your child theme css is blank, please write following css in the child theme style.css:

     Theme Name:   SuperMagPro Child
     Theme URI:
     Description:  SuperMagPro Child Theme
     Author:       Acme Themes
     Author URI:
     Template:     supermagpro
     Version:      1.0.0
     License:      GNU General Public License v2 or later
     License URI:
     Tags:         orange, brown, yellow etc
     Text Domain:  supermagpro-child

    Again in functions.php file please write following codes:

    function suprmagpro_child_enqueue_styles() {
        $parent_style = 'parent-style';
        wp_enqueue_style( $parent_style, get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
        wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style',
            get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css',
            array( $parent_style )
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'suprmagpro_child_enqueue_styles' );

    Here is further docs

    this should fix the problems.
    if you again have any problem please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 167 total)