Site not optimized for mobile - Acme Themes

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    I know that my site is very cute. The problem I have with google.
    If you do a Google search results should not say fan logo k – dramas or baner ads. That should not be.
    Yoast and use google some time ago but says he’s not obtimized for mobile.

    This is what comes if you look in google fan k dramas

    Fan K Dramas. Inicio ⋆ Fan K Dramas
    Tu página no está optimizada para móviles.
    logo-fank-dramas · Banner Ads … Toda la Música del Drama “W” También podrás descargarla!!!! … MBC quiere concluir” W” … Noticias K-Dramas · “Seo In Guk” …
    Has visitado esta página muchas veces. Fecha de la última visita: 31/08/16
    Querés Colaborar con Fan K …
    Estoy buscando Colaboradores para Fan K Dramas. No hay …
    Nuevos K-Dramas > Estrenos … Estrenos de Septiembre 2016 …
    Más resultados de »


    Hello Adriana,
    It’s not only about theme issues, that the theme is not optimized. There are lots of tricks to make your site SEO friendly. Please read on google that how to make SEO friendly website. It will teach you the methods. so, please follow the guideline for it or contact with the SEO experts to make the site SEO ranking awesome.
    Blog Post Here.

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